
Archives for : Quake3

Quake Live… less

As announced by SyncError the 17th of this month, QuakeLive is now a standalone game (not in the browser anymore, as a regular Quake 3) but (here comes the fail) for Windows only. No more Linux or Mac support for this game, unless a Linux developper is hired by id (sic).

Highly commented on this ESR article, some people may be able to launch and run the game using Wine or a Virtualization solution. I personnaly failed to run the installer using wine and don’t have a working OpenGL with VirtualBox; too bad.

Following the departure of John Carmack, this is probably the last step showing the decline of id Software since they have been bought by Bethesda. Somewhat a shame for all of non-Windows users supporting id for many years but that’s the way it is and Defrag still runs fine.


Nightmare is a brilliant short movie directed by Patrick “dKsL” Stürmer, which is a tribute to two great russian Quake 3 players, LeXeR and uNkind.

The movie starts in a dreamish sequence introducing the players reaching the Elite Level of Q3. We then follow the players during their fights in the arenas, both of them trying to escape and frag their opponents…

Available as the 60 fps 2.5 Mb/s WebM version or the 30 fps 2 Mb/s WebM version and the original MP4 versions: 30 fps, 60 fps. Pictures are also available in a screenshots gallery.

ElcO Mapping


I’m not fond at promoting FB but besides being a nice guy, ElcO, a french Quake 3 Defrag player and mapper, has started a page on FB for his work using GtkRadiant : Elco Mapping.

All of his maps are available at, here is the direct access to the full list. If you’re interrested, you may also check the thread on the forum dedicated to the runs on his maps ^^

You may also watch Defraging is not a crime, a brilliant video made by breacH, to see some great runs and tricks performed by ElcO.

Keep it up dude ^^

Interview with Cyril “Cgg” Gantin, Defrag’s grampa

Published at

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Interview avec Cyril « Cgg » Gantin, le papy de Defrag

Publiée sur FrenchFragFactory.

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frcup maps repack

Yet another Quake III: Defrag maps repack, the whole FRCup set, from 01 up to 37, is available!

Get the file (~90Mb), rename it as “frcup_repack.pk3”, drop it into your defrag folder and enjoy ^^

Each map is named after the comp. number (ie, frcup01, frcup02, and so on) except for the following maps:

  • FRCup30 is called ‘frcup30v2’
  • FRCup31 is called ‘frcup31_’

dfcup maps repack

The whole set of Quake III: Defrag DFCup maps is now available in a single map pack: (~11Mb).

Rename the file as “dfcup_repack.pk3″ and drop it into your defrag folders.

Each map is named after the comp. number (ie, dfcomp01, dfcomp02, …) except ‘dfcup05” which doesn’t exists as such and is called “flapadingue” (o/ Toulouz !)

Defrag CHS

Full set of Quake 3 Defrag CHS – Cross Hair Status

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Q3MB, Quake3 Messages Broker

Note : le projet a été déménagé depuis qmb/qmbd vers q3mb/qmbd.

QMB, pour Quake3 Messages Broker, est un petit daemon qui accepte des connexions TCP d’un côté et utilise un bot IRC pour transmettre les messages sur un canal.

Le code du serveur Quake3 doit bien sûr être modifié pour pouvoir contacter QMB, on verra cette partie plus tard ; en attendant, le code de qmbd est disponible sur gitorious sous les termes de la licence ISC.

La version 0.1 de qmbd représente un ensemble de classes Python et un programme principal, un fichier de configuration d’exemple est aussi fourni. La fonctionnalité des fortunes nécessite aussi la présence d’un ou plusieurs fichiers de type « fortunes » (avec le symbole « % » comme séparateur d’enregistrements).

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