Funny, particulary when once again you can read that “there’s a positive link between online piracy and visits to legal music stores, irrespective...

After a 365 days render work all along 2012, meaning 1 production made per day, kokolores123 started a Weekly project for 2013. This talented graphism...

Published at ESReality.com

Publiée sur FrenchFragFactory.

Having a blog, either as tiny as this very one, lead to getting quite a lot of spams, sent as comments. Currently it’s more than 100 spams per week;...

Yet another Quake III: Defrag maps repack, the whole FRCup set, from 01 up to 37, is available! Get the frcup_repack.zip file (~90Mb), rename it as “frcup_repack.pk3”,...

The whole set of Quake III: Defrag DFCup maps is now available in a single map pack: dfcup_repack.zip (~11Mb). Rename the file as “dfcup_repack.pk3″...

While there is many different ways to do it, having a dedicated tool to count how many processes an executable file are currently running was one of my...

Just in case you don’t know it, Monit is a really neat tool for UNIX and alike systems, helping to manage and check a whole lot of stuff, including...